Eric, Lindsay and Rylie

Eric, Lindsay and Rylie

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Can Baby Caden Come Now?

We were tying to explain to Rylie when Caden would be here, so we told her that he would be here after Halloween. A few days later she came to us and said lets have Halloween now so that baby Caden can come. We thought maybe we needed to also add a situation that was not in her control, so we said we also have to wait for the leaves to fall off the trees. Well one night we were walking through the neighborhood and someone had cut a bunch of branches off a tree and it looked like a pile of leaves. Rylie points and says look the leaves are falling off the trees, now can baby Caden come? The poor kid she can't catch a break with getting to be a big sister. Well now we have 6 weeks left and the leaves are falling off the trees and stores have Halloween out, so hopefully she understands that it will be soon for baby Caden to come.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Friday night while sitting on the potty, Rylie began to cry. When we asked what was wrong she told us that she had hit Lily on the head at school that day. We asked why did you hit Lily? To which she told us that when she told Lily she was a ballerina princess, Lily told her she was not. Therefore she hit her on the head. We are not sure if she got in trouble at school for this, but we do know that the guilt did hit her that night. Well what do you say, don't hit that is not nice and of course you are a ballerina princess.