Eric, Lindsay and Rylie

Eric, Lindsay and Rylie

Monday, December 21, 2009

Doggie Shirt

This morning Rylie got up and I started to dress her for school. I had picked out her baby leopard outfit, but she said "No mommy I want to wear my doggie shirt." She has a number of doggie shirts so I pulled out the one that she tells everyone has cookie on it but "No mommy, not that one." So I tried for the red long sleeve tee shirt with a dog on it. She wore that last week, but I was really hoping that she didn't want the red dog sweater that I bought for Christmas. Everything she wears to daycare ends up a stained mess. But I am sure you can guess what the response was to that red tee shirt..."No mommy the other red doggie shirt." I pulled it out and she says "yes that one." I told her that if she wore it she could not spill on it or get it dirty, "no mommy I will not spill on it." She got to wear it and it actually made it home clean. Maybe I should try that everyday.

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